So What Can You Do!



So What Can You Do!



So what can you do?  Well if you keep on doing what you have always done then you will keep getting what you have always gotten.  Now that I have said what are you going to do about it?  The same thing that you did yesterday which was something you did last year but in different clothes.  LoL, at least I hope that you're in different clothes.  Well, if you're wearing the same clothes please go change them right now.  

      OK, what can you do about what's happening in your reality?  Well, that's very simple it's your reality. So therefore you're the creator of your own reality. If you don't like something at work or at school don't just sit there, do something.  Stand up and let your voice be heard.  You have the right to say No to whomever you choose!  Now here is a strong point that I need to stress to you.  Do it in a nice and none threatening way!  Stand up for yourself and anyone that can't stand up for themselves also.  I know, I know your only one!  But guess what you are just one but if you stand then some other might stand with you then theirs two, then three, then four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and so on and so on.

IAP Digital Pros

Women changing clothes

